This one's for you, ladies.
Monday, April 20, 2015
If you haven't read my post from earlier this week (read it here), here's a fact that's pretty hard to swallow.
In the United States, women make, on average, 76 cents to every male dollar earned.
The only state where women make more is New York, where women make approximately 1.02$ to every male dollar earned.
In light of this, graphic designer Elana Schlenker has opened a pop-up-shop in Pennsylnavia called 76<100. The catch? Female shoppers are charged 76% of retail price and men are charged 100%. It's a direct reflection of the state's gender wage gap.
Apparently people have been saying that this whole concept is sexist itself, by Elana says that it's more of a 'pay what you earn' concept. She wanted it to be a very powerful, positive and fun way to approach the issue. She just wants people to talk about the issue, and be aware.
In an interview, Schlenker said “I hope the shop’s pricing helps to underscore this inherent unfairness and to create space for people to consider why the wage gap still exists.”
Equality is always important. This seems like a great idea to me. It's such a creative way to make the severity of an issue really sink in.
Chelsea Totten
Talk Pretty To Me