Nice to meet'cha
Thursday, April 02, 2015
It’s that time of year again; the snow’s finally melting,
American Idol’s gone to live shows, and I’ve decided I should probably do
something productive with my time that doesn’t just include Parks &
Recreation marathons.
My name’s Chelsea (chell-see) and I’m a sitcom addict. Right
now I’m also a full-time nanny, but one day I hope to be writing for
television. I’m a neurotic freak who likes to alphabetize her DVD’s, and keep
my shoes neatly lined up in a drawer. I like friendly dogs, young adult
fiction, and all colorful things. I hate spiders, J-walking, and people who are
always rude.
Two years ago, my best friend moved a province over and now
I only see her about once every six months. We wanted to find a way to
collaborate on a fun project that we could share with other guys and gals.
We’ve decided to start this blog to express our ‘expertise’ in several areas
including beauty, health, fashion and lifestyle. If you’re sitting there in
desperate need of some entertainment and mostly-factual information, you’ve
come to the right place. We’re all friends here, so come on in and get comfy-
can I get you something to drink?
Chelsea Totten
Talk Pretty To Me