About Us

Hey There!

Our names are Kara & Chelsea, and we've been best friends since the ninth grade. At the moment, we live a province away, and thought this would be a perfect way to stay connected and share our opinions with you cool people. We're also going to feature special posts written by our friends who are experts at things that we know nothing about, as a special treat. 

Hopefully there's something here for everyone. Come on in, and get comfy. We're really glad you're here.

Lots of love & chocolate chip cookies,

Kara & Chelsea. 
Talk Pretty To Me. 

It’s that time of year again; the snow’s finally melting, American Idol’s gone to live shows, and I’ve decided I should probably do something productive with my time that doesn’t just include Parks & Recreation marathons.

My name’s Chelsea (chell-see) and I’m a sitcom addict. Right now I’m also a full-time nanny, but one day I hope to be writing for television. I’m a neurotic freak who likes to alphabetize her DVD’s, and keep my shoes neatly lined up in a drawer. I like friendly dogs, young adult fiction, and all colorful things. I hate spiders, J-walking, and people who are always rude.

Two years ago, my best friend moved a province over and now I only see her about once every six months. We wanted to find a way to collaborate on a fun project that we could share with other guys and gals. We’ve decided to start this blog to express our ‘expertise’ in several areas including beauty, health, fashion and lifestyle. If you’re sitting there in desperate need of some entertainment and mostly-factual information, you’ve come to the right place. We’re all friends here, so come on in and get comfy- can I get you something to drink?

Chelsea Totten
Talk Pretty To Me


I’m Kara, and I thought since Chels wrote a bio blog post, I should as well! I’m so bad at putting who i am into words. So forgive me if the next paragraph is jumbled. 
I’ve been making YouTube videos for 6 years now, and most of my life revolves around the music I make for that channel and for the albums I release. If you want to see for yourself heres my link: www.youtube.com/kdvalle 
I don’t have an interesting story of how I started singing or playing guitar or writing, it just kind of started one day, but it has been the absolute most consistent thing in my life.
When I notice weird things I do, or if someone points something out, I always write them down for moments just like this where I want to share something about myself, so heres a list of the top 5 things I tend to do:
  1. I brush my teeth in the shower.
  2. I won’t get out of bed if the time has a 5 in it.
  3. I make my bed every single night before I get in it.
  4. I love dainty things but am often described as a bull in a china shop.
  5. I collect makeup but I can’t tell you the last time I’ve actually wore any.
I’m sitting here laughing because I have no idea how to end this post and it just shows you how incredibly awkward I am when it comes to talking about myself. I’ll stick to beauty/fashion.

Kara Della Valle
Talk Pretty To Me

Here's where to find us:

 Talk Pretty To Me


twitter: @kayyvallee
instagram: kayyvallee
tumblr: onlyonereason.tumblr.com


twitter: @chelseatot
instagram: chelseatot
tumblr: iftheseascatch-fire.tumblr.com

We'll attach the social media info for all of our guest bloggers on their posts, don't worry!

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