This page sort of encompasses a bunch of categories all in one- friendship, work, love and all of that fun stuff. We'll both be contributing to this one, since we both live our own lifestyle and around here we respect individuality.
Be yourself. We love you for it.
-K & C
April 5th, 2015
'Finding The Happies': ft. Louise Pentland
One of my favourite internet females is someone you may know. Her name is Louise, but she's probably more commonly known as Sprinkle of Glitter. (see photo below)
She's got an infectious personality, an adorable daughter, and a wonderful sense of humour. I obviously follow her closely on every form of social media to ever exist, and I noticed she started doing something every once in a while that I wanted to share with you.
Here's a screenshot of her Facebook post from last week.
I think it's a great idea to take a few minutes every couple of days to find the happies in our own lives. As a self-proclaimed pessimist, I know that a lot of times it's easy to get caught up in worrying about all of the negatives that come up in our daily lives. Taking this little bit of time helps us to re-focus our energy and concentrate on the good things. Comment below with your 'happies' from today, and I'll leave mine here.
Have an amazing week, friends!
Chelsea Totten
Talk Pretty To Me
Chelsea's 'List of Happies'
Easter Weekend
1. This weekend I got to see my family, who live five hours away and only come down a few times a year. It's really nice to have everyone in the same place, celebrating a dinner together.
2. My grandma got me a white chocolate Lindt bunny for Christmas. It's my favourite, and I'm super excited to eat it.
3. I gave my mom my first chunk of money to save for England. (She'd hiding it for me so that I don't dip into it.)
4. My hair is now long enough to put into a braid and have it sit on my shoulder like they do in the movies.
5. Kara booked her flight here, so I know for sure when I get to see her. And it's only a couple of months away.
April 2nd 2015
It's Metaphor Time
Me, again.
This morning as I was driving to work I was thinking about my future. As a 23 year old college graduate, some days all I do is dwell on the fact that I've been done school for a year and haven't accomplished what I want to yet. Then it hit me:
You don't leave on a road trip without a full tank of gas.
Please pardon this cheesy metaphor, I made it up before 9 am. But I think it makes a lot of sense. Think of life as a road trip- it takes a lot of preparation and planning. You don't just hop in a car and go. Here's my list of things you need for your 'road trip' (this is going to be like a bunch of metaphors within my original metaphor, just to clarify):
1. A Map:
Or I guess since it's 2015, a GPS would be more appropriate. You may be the type to roll with the punches, but you have to have some sort of an idea where you're going if you ever want to get there, you know? Some people like to have very specific directions, and know exactly when to turn and exactly how long they drive on each road. Other's like to have more of a rough idea and follow the signs along the highway. As long as you've got your trusty GPS, you'll be able to find your way.
2. Snacks:
I don't know if this is just me, but no road trip is complete without a bag full of an assortment of snacks. At this point, you've got your GPS and a rough idea where you're going, but you still need a little pick-me-up for when you get hungry and tired. It is a long trip, you know. I guess in the life aspect of this 'road trip', snacks would be the support of your friends and family or the inspiration you get along the way to reach your destination.
3. Company:
It's also not very fun to road trip alone. Other people can inspire you, and help you think in different ways than you usually do. They're also good for conversation, and to change the radio when that song you hate comes on and you've got your hands at ten and two.
4. Fuel
You've got your GPS, your snacks and your friend. Lastly, and probably most importantly, you're going to have to stop and fill up the tank of gas. To me, this is the stage I currently find myself in. It takes the longest, and it's definitely the most frustrating. You know where you want to go, you have an idea of how to get there and you've got your supportive friend right there in the passenger seat, but now you have to make sure you've got everything else you need. This is the part in my life where I find myself trying to get better at what I want to do, so that I'll really feel like I'm ready. I want to make sure my 'tank' if full of the fuel I need to get to my destination because I want to avoid running out of gas in the middle of the highway. Is that cliche enough for ya?
I think it's really important to dream, and always be trying to accomplish something. Whether it's a job writing for television (like me) or finishing that scarf you started to knit two winters ago. You can do it if you want it bad enough, and work hard. Just remember to think of life as a really long road trip and make sure you've got the essentials. Push yourself, believe in yourself, and make sure you don't forget the snacks.
Chelsea Totten
Talk Pretty To Me
Friends Forever
I'm 23 years old now, and one thing I've always wanted is a tight-knit group of friends that loves to do everything together. I know it may be unrealistic, but I'd like to think I'm a Chandler/Monica hybrid that's looking for her Rachel, Ross, Phoebe and Joey.
The trouble is, friendship is hard work and people tend to not want to spend their whole lives in one place- especially when that place is a pretty small city with a lot of retirement homes, a steel factory, and a bad reputation with the neighbouring towns.
But now I'm sitting here watching The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants, crying every five minutes because I wish life and friendship was like it is in the movies. I wish you could find these people that make you a complete version of yourself and keep them in your life forever like a coin collection. Unfortunately, I've realized that as stages in your life end, people tend to go their separate ways.
For example, here's how many friends have 'transferred over' (for lack of a better term):
Childhood > Elementary School: Only 1 really
Elementary School > High School: Again, Only 1
High School > College: This is a little better, coming in around a 6
College > Twenties: About 5
But getting older, the bright side of the universe's ridiculous friend-filtration-system is that you unwillingly realize who's going to stick around for the long-haul. You realize that the people who matter most, won't let distance or a few different interests keep you apart. I may not have a magical pair of pants to help keep my friends together, but I know it'll work out anyway.
PS. I'm totally a Tibby.
Chelsea Totten
Talk Pretty To Me