No Regrets

Monday, February 01, 2016

What would happen if people were asked to admit their biggest regrets?

This giant chalkboard was placed on the street in New York City, and people who walked by wrote their regrets. 

The board filled up, and it was eventually very evident that a lot of the regrets had something in common; "they were about chances not taken, they were about words not spoken, they were about dreams never pursued". 

They had people erase the board, until it was empty again. 

It's never too late. Every day is a clean slate, and a new opportunity to do whatever it is you want to do, to say whatever it is you want to say, and to be exactly who you want to be. I know it sounds cliche and cheesy but it's so easy to get lost in what's comfortable and what's easy and forgot to push yourself to do the things you've always wanted to do. It's also so easy to hear everyone tell you 'you can't' or 'it's never going to happen' and start to believe it, but they're wrong. 

I hope that when you watch this video, it affects you the same way it affected me. Don't live with regrets, guys. You never know what you could be missing out on. 

If you had a clean slate, what would you do differently?

Chelsea Totten
Talk Pretty To Me

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