Random Fact Of The Day

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Our great friend Science has made a new discovery. 
You know how you get a song stuck in your head? This happens to me on a daily basis. Right now it's that new Jason Derulo one. Anyway, there's a technical term for it- earworm, and apparently 90% of people experience it at least once a week. 

Psychologists in the U.K. thought they'd study this problem and see if there was some way to counteract it. Apparently, there is. You ready?

Chew gum. 

This allegedly reduces the amount of time a song gets stuck in your head by a two thirds. Whoa. 

Although getting a song stuck in your head doesn't seem like the worst thing ever (usually), maybe this will eventually lead to other studies and solutions to more serious psychological issues. 

Chelsea Totten
Talk Pretty To Me

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