Winning/Losing A Breakup

Saturday, September 12, 2015

I've never been the victim of a break-up myself-- not because I'm perfect, but because of my lack of any sort of romantic relationship. I have, however, paid attention to the relationships and break-ups that occur around me and I watch a lot of romantic comedies. This is what I've learned. 

In any break-up, there is usually a clear loser and a winner. 

Signs You've Won A Break-Up (In which neither party is a celebrity):

1. You've got a crush on the new neighbor that moved in down the hall.
2. You've showered at least four times in the past week.
3. You haven't gone through significantly more wine than usual since the split. 

Signs You've Lost A Break-Up (In which neither party is a celebrity): 

1. You've cried when a sad song came on at Target. 
2. You've drunk dialed/texted your Ex after midnight.
3. You've worn the same sweatpants more than three consecutive days.

For celebrity break-ups, I think the defining factory is who can avoid the paparazzi snapping tragic looking photos. 

For us normal folk, break-ups are a crappy time where we have to try and move on from something that was such a big piece of who we are. But moving on is never easy. It's not easy to avoid being the loser (especially if you're the dumpee), and that's okay. Relationships are messy, so break-ups are inevitably messier. It's okay to let your physical and emotional self reflect this mess- but then you have to get out there, hangout with your friends, focus your energy into a new project and move on. That's how I've learned a loser can turn into a winner. And everyone loves an underdog story. 

It doesn't matter who wins and loses a break-up because everyone's lost something. Isn't that poetic of me? But seriously. Nobody really wins, unless the relationship was so terrible that you're better off without it, in which case you're winning anyway. You still with me?

Take Taylor Swift for example. She's no stranger to a break-up, and she's out there rockin' it. Let's all tackle our next break-up like Taylor. 

Chelsea Totten
Talk Pretty To Me

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