8 Things I Need To See on Fuller House
Friday, January 08, 2016
Growing up, Full House was always my favorite show. Between Uncle Jesse and all of Stephanie's adorable catch phrases, it was perfect.
And then, as I was going about my 23rd year of life and minding my own business, Netflix announced that they were releasing a series called 'Fuller House' that centered around the adult lives of DJ and Stephanie Tanner and their wacky neighbor Kimmy Gibbler.
It'll be on Netflix this February 26th, and here are 8 things I cannot wait to see.
1. DJ & Kimmy Together Again (On Screen)
In case you didn't know, Candace and Andrea (the real life DJ & Kimmy) were really best friends back in the Full House days, and are still friends now. This makes my nostalgic heart beyond happy, and I freak out every time they post a picture together. I can't wait to see more of their crazy friendship on screen.
2. Nicky and Alex Grown Up
They were the cutest kids, and the same boys are playing grown-up Nicky and Alex. It'll make me feel very old, but it'll be worth it.
3. Uncle Jesse
I mean, obviously. I've always had a crush on Uncle Jesses. Maybe it was the hair, or the fact that every time he screwed up he apologized in song. I know John Stamos has aged impossibly perfectly so I cannot wait to see some hunky older Uncle Jesse.
4. The New Kids
Since all of the Full House kids are now grown up, I'm super excited to get to know the new kids.
5. The Dog
I don't know if this dog (seen in the Fuller House Teaser) is just coincidentally the same breed as Comet (The Tanner Family dog) or if it's going to somehow be his grand-puppy and I can't wait to find out. I also want to know what his/her name is.
6. DJ and Steve
So it's been cleared up that DJ didn't end up with Steve, which breaks my frozen heart. But, when the Fuller House series starts, DJ is widowed and it's been confirmed that the actor who plays Steve is set to appear in a few episodes. I don't know about you, but I'm not giving up hope that the two of them are meant to be. I'm team Steve.
7. The House
In the photos Netflix released, the house looks AMAZING. It was always a beautiful house, but now it's all redone and fixed up and it still has touches of the old 'Full House' set. I'm dying to see what the girls' old room looks like. OH and the attic.
8. The Theme Song
From what I gather, the old theme song 'Everywhere You Look' is getting a reboot so that it can still be the theme song. Just a little more current. Oh, and it's going to be sung by Carly Rae Jepsen.
Chelsea Totten
Talk Pretty To Me