Rumors have been flying around the internet the past few days that we'll be seeing a new Princess Diaries movie sometime in the near future.
I'm sorry to rain on this royal parade, but Entertainment Weekly has confirmed from a source at Disney that there is not actually a third installment in development.
As much as I love Princess Mia and all things Genovia, I'm pretty relieved.
It's been fourteen- yeah, fourteen, feel old now?- years since the first Princess Diaries movie was released, and it was perfect. Hilarious, heart-warming, and the soundtrack was full of early 2000's sass. The second movie was also amazing (if you tell me you didn't want to attend a royal sleep over after watching it you're lying) and I was panicking that if they tried to add another one now it would just be a mess.
So, sorry if you had gotten your hopes up for some more Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, but on the bright side, the newest book in the series, 'Royal Wedding' was just recently released so get to readin'!
Goodbye, Trolley people.
Chelsea Totten
Talk Pretty To Me
- Thursday, June 18, 2015